A note on Video Production.

Video production is not my job.  This is a hobby for me and frankly, it’s not even advertising.  I don’t really need advertising.  I’ve got a good book of clients and a lot of those clients make good referrals.  So, these are things I do for fun and because I’ve always wanted to and my old company never let me do it for them.  Actually, when my old company had to make some hard choices, this was one of the reasons I wanted to go.  I loved that company and it was pretty good (great for corporate travel) but when I was hired from travel blogging I as supposed to do Social Media.  It never worked out.  Frankly, because they focus on business travel, having me do social media for them wouldn’t have made sense.  Still, I always wanted to and thought I could, now I can and I do.  

These videos start out on Instagram just because Instagram makes captions really easy, that’s also why they are formatted the exact opposite way they should be for Youtube.  Another Downside of Instagram captions is that, though easy, they also tend to misspell things and while you can correct them, they have this annoying habit of going back to their original misspellings.  It’s annoying.    

I’ve been finding video production on social media more fun than blog writing lately.  Social media videos are new and shiny to me and I love new and shiny.  I was a social media blogger way back in 2008-2011 for the now mostly defunct Brillianttrips.com.  That website was formed by a friend of mine from the heyday of STA travel. That gentleman, by the way, is now the marketing and technology director for one of the top five asset management companies in the world.  I won’t say which one, but it’s ranked higher than Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan to narrow it down a bit.  

If you like them, great, if you don’t. That’s fine, I love constructive criticism, but this is a side hobby.  I have a low threshold for boredom and making these videos has gotten quick and easy.  I imagine someday, I may even get good at them. 


Aurora Expeditions

